Mariia Romaniuk

Hi, I'm a full-stack software engineer passionate about building high-impact, customer-focused products and working on complex, cross-discipline problems.

Selected projects


Reporting experience

Worked as a full-stack engineer building health/safety empowerment and intervention tools like new Report Flow and Safety Center. Designed and implemented internal APIs for OCF (SSR framework) and UI components for RWEB (React) internal component library: authored detailed TDDs, implemented end-to-end, integrated into existing codebase. Conducted DDG (Twitter's experimentation platform) experiments to measure and validate the new Report Flow performance, results showed improved user experience and increased product efficiency: 93.94% more actionable reports, 58.9% fewer top-line reports. More


Safety mode

Led the web client implementation work for new Safety Mode feature, an AI-driven content moderation tool that autoblocks abusive content (using Twitter's pBlock, pTox, and profanityFilter ML models) helping users to feel safe on the platform, resulting in increased retention rates, UAM and mDAU. Implemented UI for users to interact with the tool and to provide feedback on problematic model outputs (false positives/negatives), which helped us to enhance model's performance and capabilities. More


AI game

AI game implemented using the Genetic Algorithm, a metaheuristic inspired by natural selection that is commonly used to solve optimization problems in ML. It can be played by a user "against" the computer and vice versa. It utilizes Google Text-to-Speech API to allow blind or visually impaired users to navigate and understand the current state of the game. More


Image repository

Image classification library where users can add, delete, group, and search images by keywords. Images are passed through the Tesseract API to identify characters (OCR) and the TensorFlow MobileNet image classification model to assign related labels so the image can then be searched by the labels or on the basis of another chosen image. More



E-commerce application for selling plants. It allows registered users or guests to create and edit shopping carts, search for items using filters, and proceed to checkout. It also takes care of inventory management, ensuring that any price changes are represented in a user's cart until the time of purchase and that no out-of-stock products are listed as available. More